Best Times To Go Topless (And A Few Topless Tips)

When you choose to purchase the ultimate Jeep hardtop hoist from TopLift Pros, a whole new world of opportunity opens up for you and your Jeep Wrangler.
With the ability to go topless anytime on a dime, you will want to figure out the best occasions for doing so in order to get the full experience of owning one of these adventure-mobiles.
Here at TopLift Pros, we have created a list of just a few of the appealing possibilities that are now possible for you with the help of your TopLift Pro. If you own a hardtop Jeep Wrangler and still don’t have a hoist for removing your hardtop, what are you waiting for? Get your TopLift Pro today!
Best Occasions For Jeep Hardtop Removal
At The Beach
It goes without saying that taking your Jeep hardtop off for a nice cruise down ocean boulevard has its perks. Between feeling the salty ocean breeze, waving to all the passersby, blasting your favorite tunes, and catching a few rays, you can’t lose.
On The Trails
Whether you’re out in the desert playgrounds of Moab or Death Valley or on the trails in your hometown, tackling off-road ventures with the top off adds a whole new level of excitement to the already thrilling experience.
Road Trips
When taking a long cross-country road trip, having the freedom of leaving the hardtop at home lets you truly enjoy the journey. Plus, we all know there are those points in a road trip that can be a struggle to stay awake and alert. Having the constant breeze of the open air and being in one with the outdoors is sure to help with this.
Chauffeuring the Pets
Besides all of the enjoyment you can get out of removing your hardtop and going for a ride, your furry friend is sure to be a big fan too. Riding with the top off can also make for an extremely effective distraction on those rides to the vet’s office.
Because rolling down the windows simply doesn’t do them justice, going topless makes for a guaranteed good time on your favorite country backroads. Every town has that one “roller coaster road,” and when you take off down it topless, you’ll get all of the adrenaline of your favorite amusement park ride.
Rainy Summer Days
While this may sound crazy to you at first, there is nothing more refreshing in our minds than feeling a misty, rainy breeze after a long day in the scorching sun. Besides, who doesn’t like getting wet every now and then? Just be sure to keep all of your valuables covered up in the event the rain picks up from a slight drizzle to a torrential downpour.
For those of you that are new to going topless with your hardtop Jeep Wrangler, there are a few items to take into consideration before you attempt any of the previously listed topless activities.
Tips For Riding Topless
You might be that guy or girl that never gets burnt at the beach, but this is not the beach. This is your Jeep. Your Jeep’s interior is a magnet for the sun’s rays, and if you decide not to apply any sunscreen before a long cruise, you will see (and feel) the consequences of your negligence.
Bug Spray
Especially for those topless summer days on the trails, you’re going to want to listen to this tip. You might feel you’re fine when moving along at a decent speed, but that inevitable moment that you get stuck at an obstacle, the bugs will find you, and they will bite you. So be prepared and give yourself a thorough coating before heading out without your Jeep’s hardtop into the wild.
Protect Valuables
As all soft top Jeep owners will tell you, it’s best to never leave anything that you would be disappointed with losing in your Jeep. This can be easy to forget when you are used to the safety and confines of your hardtop. Never leave any valuables unattended in your Jeep with the top off as it is certainly a magnet for burglars.
Besides the possible theft scenarios, always be sure that whatever you want to stay in your Jeep is safely secured or tied down before taking off without your hardtop, or you will lose it.
There’s nothing worse than being that guy on the side of the road trying to dodge traffic to get to your lucky t-shirt that ended up in the median due to your forgetfulness.
Keep Some Covers Handy
While this also applies to the category of protecting your valuables, it also is important for your passengers. While riding topless is a blast during the day, it can make for a chilly ride home in the dark for those in the back seat if you aren’t prepared. You’ll thank us later when your passengers aren’t giving you an earful about how freezing they are the whole way home.
We hope that these incredible times to go topless have given you inspiration and something to look forward to with the rest of your summer, or perhaps swayed you into getting your very own TopLift Pro so you can participate in all the fun. Just remember to follow these key tips on your next topless ventures to ensure your Jeep cruises are nothing but glorious.