The Best Ways To Customize Your Jeep Wrangler

Look around you. Your home has personal touches that define it as your own. Your workplace—whether it’s back at the office or your new WFH setup—is full of little reminders of your passions, your interests, and the people and places that mean the most to you. When you’re not in your home or at your desk, chances are you’re behind the wheel of your Jeep. Don’t you think that your ride should have plenty of flourishes that truly mark it as your own?
Whether they improve form, function, or simply accommodate your personal tastes, a Jeep Wrangler is perhaps the best “blank slate” on the road. The Jeep community loves modifications of all sorts for all reasons. To get the most out of Jeep ownership, here are the best ways to customize your Jeep Wrangler.
New Tires
Fresh from the lot, your Jeep Wrangler will come equipped with a perfectly acceptable set of tires. Then again, in the world of Jeeps, when is “perfectly acceptable” ever truly acceptable? When it comes to sets of tires, to say you have options would be a severe understatement. There are Jeep tires for handling mud, bounding through sand, dealing with wet conditions, and even oversized tires for those daring souls who lift their suspensions and make room for these bigger wheels. If you’re shopping for your first set of custom tires, your best bet is probably a set of all-terrain tires. As a well-rounded set that can handle most off-road surfaces along with the paved roads you’ll travel in your everyday life, it’s the ideal compromise before you decide exactly which kind of off-roading you plan to specialize in. Take note, however, that while A/T tires can handle most kinds of terrain very well, you may want to commit to sand tires from the outset if you’re planning on conquering some sandy beaches or desertscapes.
Aftermarket Side Mirrors
Whether you’re driving on the highway or beyond it, vision is key. You may find that the side mirrors that came with your Wrangler don’t give you the expanded field of vision that you need to drive with peace of mind. Supplementing your Jeep with bigger and better side mirrors is a great way to increase your safety and confidence—especially as you take on trails with more hazards that can sneak up on you.
Rubber Floor Mats
Is a Jeep interior waterproof? Not quite. While the Wrangler does come equipped with a drain for quick and easy cleanup, you may find that hosing down the Jeep time after time is taking its toll on the interior. Off-roading certainly gets the outside of your Jeep dirty, but these excursions can bring dirt, grit, and grime into the cabin, too. Customized rubberized mats go a long way in facilitating cleaning after those adventures. Rather than spraying down and draining out your Wrangler’s interior after it becomes caked in mud, you can simply take your mats out and clean them separately. It’s a much easier cleanup job, and it should extend the lifespan of your Wrangler as well.
Grille Inserts
Here’s a spot where you can add a little touch of personal flair to your Jeep. Modify your front grille with a unique design or an eye-catching alternative to the factory-standard status quo. You can find grille inserts with your favorite logos and iconography. Are you a big comic book fan? Here’s the place to show the world.
Car Stereo
As a kid, you loved cartoons. In adulthood, you’re more into car tunes—enhancing your driving experience with some searing treble, meaty midrange, and thumping bass. Here’s the thing about those all-terrain tires you outfitted your Wrangler with: the same deep treads that increase traction and whisk away water can also make a lot of noise on the pavement. What better way to deal with the extra noise that attends off-road readiness than with your favorite music sounding its best? As summer gives way to fall and winter and you close off your Jeep from the elements for the offseason, as it were, you can really make the most of some maximum volume. Without the roof and the doors off, you can turn it up to 11 without fear of being a public nuisance. Just make sure your music doesn’t blow the doors off.
Electric Jeep Hoist
There’s a lot about Jeep ownership that can be tough. It’s not always the comfiest quarters when you’re traveling with your family. With fuel economy that doesn’t exactly compare favorably with hybrid compact cars, you can feel some pain at the pump. You will, at some point, have to deal with that dreaded death wobble as your Jeep’s suspension experiences some glitches. Don’t you think it’s time to make some tough parts of Jeep ownership much easier? The electric Jeep top hoist from TopLift Pros takes one of the most frustrating aspects of owning your Jeep Wrangler—having to remove and reinstate your hardtop roof with the changing of the seasons—and radically simplifies it. With an electrified hoist, all you need to do is press a button and stand by while the hoist does the work that would ordinarily take at least one trusted friend to assist you.
Personalized Paint Jobs
Part of the reason you bought your Wrangler was to stand out from the crowd. Let the rest of the road fill up with four-door sedans, minivans, and these so-called SUVs whose owners wouldn’t even dare to drive down a gravel driveway. As a Jeep driver, you’re not like the masses. But why stop there? Why should your Wrangler look anything like anyone else’s? One of the best ways to customize your Jeep Wrangler is to take it in for a paint job that truly makes it an extension of yourself. Don’t settle for those silly little flame decals along the side—unless that’s what you really want, of course. Don’t be afraid to get creative. Pick a color or finish that really appeals to you. We’ve seen some Jeep enthusiasts favor a sparkling electric blue that you can’t get factory-standard, while others go with a no-nonsense matte black that dispenses with all pretenses and says that this is a Wrangler that’s just here to get dirty. Gradients, special effects, or simply some high-end decals can customize the aesthetics of your exterior and give you the best of both worlds—the ultimate utility vehicle that’s still more than strictly utilitarian.